If you missed Carcass at Kirk Hammett’s Fear FestEvil last month, here’s your chance to redeem yourself and then some. The Decibel Magazine Tour is on the road through mid-April and features Carcass as the headliners. These guys might very well be the happiest guys in heavy metal right now after their unexpected return to form with the critically acclaimed Surgical Steel which came out a whopping 17 years after their previous studio effort. The album kicks ass and these guys have every right to be smiling.
It’s shows like Thursday’s tour stop at San Francisco’s Regency Ballroom that renew one’s faith in live music. A killer lineup (more on that later) and an enthusiastic crowd that pushed the show into sold-out status with the walk-up sales and left people listening to the show from the sidewalk … a crowd that was clearly pumped for every band and had every last person in the balcony on their feet for Carcass.
As far as the lineup goes, whomever put this tour together did a fantastic job of mixing metal genres into a potent cocktail. Hitting on thrash, death metal and grindcore … Noisem, Gorguts and Repulsion couldn’t have done a better job of heating up the room.
And then there was The Black Dahlia Murder. You don’t need to know a single Black Dahlia song to truly appreciate this band … just watching Trevor (notably hairier than the last time they passed through town) fist-pump his way around the stage, snarling half the time and smiling the rest you just want to give his big old tattooed belly a squeeze. San Francisco loves this band!
Kudos to Decibel for putting together a great show and kudos to San Francisco for showing up and making it extra special. You can check out the upcoming tour dates here.
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