Queensrÿche (the Geoff Tate fronted version) brought their “Operation: Mindcrime Anniversary Tour” tour to San Francisco’s Fillmore in celebration of the album’s 25th anniversary.
When the band took the stage promptly at 9 pm after an opening set by the Voodoos, Rudy Sarzo, Kelly Gray and Robert Sarzo immediately hit the edge of the stage where the primed the crowd before Tate stepped in and took over the spotlight. As the name of the tour may have suggested, Queensrÿche played their “Operation: Mindcrime” album in full before taking a break and returning for an encore of their hits including “Silent Lucidity” and “Empire.”
In doesn’t matter on what side of the Queensrÿche vs. Queensrÿche dispute you may fall, Tate’s vocals were spot on and his new band did supreme justice to a classic album.
- Anarchy-X
- Revolution Calling
- Operation: Mindcrime
- Speak
- Spreading the Disease
- The Mission
- Suite Sister Mary
- The Needle Lies
- Electric Requiem
- Breaking the Silence
- I Don’t Believe in Love
- Waiting for 22
- My Empty Room
- Eyes of a Stranger
- Silent Lucidity
- Best I Can
- I’m American
- Jet City Woman
- Neon Knights
- Empire
Supporting acts: The Voodoos (gallery)
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